Monday, 21 March 2011

Plastic Bags

Use more plastic bags.

  1. Paul FAHY reports in an article entitled Plastic Bag Propaganda published in The UK Column that plastic bags are manufactured from a by-product of the oil industry. If the by-product was not turned into plastic bags it would have to be burned off - increasing carbon dioxide emissions. People using plastic bags are actually helping save the planet - not destroy it - while those who campaign against them are actually against the planet's best interests;
  2. the manufacture of plastic bags consumes less energy than that of paper ones, generates less solid waste and is responsible for fewer atmospheric emissions;
  3. plastic bags are widely, regularly and efficiently reused;
  4. most modern plastic bags are biodegradable;
  5. banning plastic bags because some litter the countryside makes as much sense as banning newspapers because some litter the countryside;
  6. there is no evidence that plastic bags kill millions of birds every year. (Just how the bags were supposed to kill the birds is never explained.);
  7. some stores have replaced plastic bags with paper ones. Paper bags are not very practical since they tear easily when wet. And you cannot usually put handles on them. Wood is required to make paper bags; damaging the environment and contributing to global warming by reducing the number of trees on the planet;
  8. other stores sell heavy-duty cloth bags that can be used more than once (just like plastic bags can be used more than once!). These bags are usually made of cotton, yet there is a shortage of cotton and making cotton bags requires a good deal of energy and a lot of water. Moreover, in order to grow the profitable extra cotton to make the bags, farmers are growing less food. People in Africa are starving to death so that White liberals can wander around carrying their shopping in cotton bags.
  9. by charging for plastic bags stores are punishing the poor who cannot afford to buy environmentally-unfriendly cotton bags and who are forced to buy environmentally-friendly plastic bags to carry their shopping.

An analysis of the light-bulb nonsense (in The OFPIS File) is equally illuminating. The facts about the new dangerous, mercury filled light bulbs we are being forced to use have been distorted in order to support a bizarre nonsense.

Adapted from Vernon Coleman's book What Happens Next?. The book is available through the shop on the following website:

Copyright © 2011 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved.

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